With elections around the corner and a congressional lame duck session looming, grassroots advocacy practitioners have a lot coming toward them.
That’s why we’re working tirelessly to ensure the fundamentals of our platform work flawlessly – from updating lawmaker data to enhancing our reporting features – so you can focus on running your campaign.
Here’s how our team has your back:
Election Data
Our Data team is tracking all U.S. elections on the federal, state and local levels, including:
- Federal elections in every state and U.S. territory
- State legislative elections in 44 states
- 11 gubernatorial races
- Numerous city/local elections
Our team combines a mix of automated tools and access to data partners, combined with close manual review and quality control to ensure our data is updated quickly and accurately as soon as it becomes available.
Most new lawmakers’ data will be available within a few days of when they’re certified to take office, and if a lawmaker doesn’t have a contact method available immediately, we will hold messages until their information is made public.
We will keep current lawmakers in-platform until their successors are sworn in and the election is verified. Once a lawmaker has been replaced, they will be marked “inactive” in our platform and will no longer be able to be messaged.
What does this mean for Speak4 partners? You can be assured your advocacy campaigns are primed for success when the new legislative sessions kickoff, post-election day.
Reporting Updates
We’ve got a reputation for pushing the grassroots advocacy envelope. Sometimes, that looks like making the basics even better.
Our latest batch of updates includes new report types, regular upkeep of our platform, and expanded tracking capabilities for tech-savvy partners.
What does this mean for Speak4 partners? You just sit back, relax and enjoy peace of mind knowing our Product team is improving your reporting without you having to lift a finger.
Here are the highlights:
1. Recipient Filtering: In a much-requested update, partners can now filter messages by recipient (i.e., “How many messages went to Congressman X last year?”).

2. First-Time Advocate Stats: Celebrate – there are two new columns in Advocate Reports that show the advocate’s first campaign and the date/time of their first interaction.

3. Time Zones and Date Range Granularity: Users can now select from a list of timezones (New York, Los Angeles, etc) as well as UTC offsets (UTC-4, UTC-7, etc) to update timestamps in reports. You can also view the specific time (hour and minute) when an advocate interacted with your campaign.

View the full change log below:
- District Reports: We now offer District report types separate from State reports.
- Referrer Column: Messages and Actions reports now show where your advocates came from.
- StoryTeller UTMs: UTMs are now included on StoryTeller reports, identical to how they are tracked on Message/Action reports.
- Body of Message in Message Reports: You now have the option to toggle on and off including the full text of an advocate’s message in Message reports.
- Release Schedule Report Column Updates: Our Message Scheduling and Message Review features are now more descriptive, including:
- Released = Pending / Processing / Sent / Approved from Review
- Held = Messages being held under Message Scheduling Feature
- Pending = Review Any messages being held under the Review feature
- None = Any messages rejected from our Review feature
- A Better Button: We made our “Reset Filters” button easier to see/use. 🙂
Curious about what these updates could mean for your campaign? Questions about lawmaker data or how the election could impact your campaign? Email [email protected] and we’ll be happy to help.