The Dev team at Speak4 did some spring cleaning for our partners – and the results are pretty fresh 🫧
We rolled out two new features that broaden the type of data you can collect from your advocates – Custom Fields and Petitions.
Custom Fields
Custom Fields allows you to gain deeper insights about your advocates’ preferences and motivations for sending a message to lawmakers.
You can now include five new types of fields to collect more information from advocates upon submission:
- Text Boxes for short responses
- Text Areas for longer, formatted responses
- Date Pickers for date responses
- Checkboxes, including binary “yes/no” responses or to collect opt-ins
- Multiple Choice for pre-selected answers

We launched the Petition option to support our partners looking to grow their list of supporters.
Now, Speak4 partners can direct advocates to a campaign page that drives them to “sign a petition” without sending a message to lawmakers.

Ready to put Custom Fields and our Petitions features to work for you? Schedule your demo.